I work with a variety of corporate and non-profit companies in the U.S. and abroad as an active participant in workshops, conferences, ideation and facilitated conversations. Working “live”, my drawings engage the participants and stimulate discussion, while at the same time providing an ongoing visual record of the event.
Located in the Washington, DC area for much of my career as a graphic designer and illustrator, I have worked with a number of non-profits, associations, schools and government agencies, particularly in the areas of health care, finance, telecommunications and education.
This background has given me the ability to quickly visualize complex concepts in a way that is easily understood by the audience. Combined with good listening skills, natural curiosity and a dry sense of humor, my work makes for engaging and memorable images.
• Real-time, live graphic recording of meetings, conversations, and presentations in a variety of settings, online and in person.
• Digital illustrations for use in print and web
• Hand-drawn videos
• Graphic design and art direction for print

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